Steve's Blog

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Yes We Did!

On the advice of a secret service guy at our hotel, we didn't let a lack of tickets stop us from heading over to the Obama rally in Raleigh. That turned out to be a good decision as, after a short wait in the "people with no tickets" line, we made our way through the metal detectors and into the stadium. If you saw a strikingly handsome bald man in the audience on CNN, that wasn't me. I was 3 rows over. While I wasn't one of the people openly weeping at the speech (they must not watch much TV), I have to admit, the man is an amazingly good public speaker. I ended the evening with an affirmation that I made the correct choice when I voted in the Illinois primary so long ago. Oh, that and a bunch of grainy camera-phone pictures.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Party Crashers

Mission: Attend the Obama rally in Raleigh, NC tonight.

Tickets: None.

Credentials: I'm from Illinois and my co-worker has the same birthday as Obama. They have to let us in.

My next entry will be a tale of victory or rejection. Keep your fingers crossed.

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