Steve's Blog

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Alopecia Conspiracy

Originally Posted @ 8/1/2005 10:56 AM

In the almost ten years since I was diagnosed with Alopecia, I’ve met a total if two people who share the condition. On Saturday, the total became four as I saw two people at two separate places with it. You can always tell by looking for the (lack of) eyebrows. The first sighting was at the allergist. He was wearing a baseball cap in an attempt to disguise himself but, you can’t fool me. I’ve been through the baseball cap phase. The second sighting was at OzzFest. He didn’t even attempt to disguise himself which means they’re getting progressively more blatant. This is enough to make me a little paranoid. Is there a secret conspiracy of hairless people with a bent for world domination? Were these two people the beachhead in an effort to recruit me into some secret organization? Are they just observing me to see if I live up to some sort of standard? I can tell you this, I won’t go down easy. I’m on to you whoever you are!


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