Steve's Blog

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Originally Posted @ 8/31/2005 8:06 PM

• A man and a woman standing at the rim of a meteor strike, staring at the crater in awe. Their love for each other matched only by their certainty of what will fill this hole: a home.

• Four people sitting under an incomplete roof, dwelling in a shanty town, rivers of water pouring from above drenching their sandwiches but not their determination. Like busy spiders they staple their web across what will be home.

• A father and son-in-law standing on a second floor landing leaning against an unfinished railing gazing at a sea of plywood. A single word is uttered, “wow".

• A whining beast belching smoke, father and son struggling to maintain their hold as it rips through the clay earth displacing boulders with its bit. Days of construction as the wooden monstrosity slowly takes form. A skeleton at first but then a platform that would host countless gatherings, quiet evenings spent with a soul mate, and one infamous camping trip.

• An excited father-to-be busily hanging an unnecessary chair rail, struggling with the inscrutable geometry of a miter saw, filling gaps with wood putty and feeling as satisfied with himself as any man has ever felt.• Two people nervously cradling a precious peanut wrapped as tightly as their untrained hands could manage, unsure of what to do next, but sure that this was her home.

• A brother and a sister cooking a meal together in a moment of peaceful bliss never imagined by two siblings.

• A glorious Thanksgiving, the entire flock gathered in one place, a feast days in the making, and a cook too inebriated to remember.

• Trips to numerous to count, a father missing his family, and wishing he was there instead of here.

• A wave of overnight guests bringing with them varied combinations of conversation, helping hands, smiles, and vino.

• Present day, two complete strangers, with a third soon expected, wandering through this home, imagining what might be. Moments of their own yet to be realized.

Future residents may never know the events great and small that have transpired here but, we will always be soothed by the memory that it started with two people and a hole in the ground. Leaving this place is no easy decision. What great things might have been within these walls? In the end, it's not the cement, wood, and plaster that filled the hole; it is the people we shared all those moments with. Now it's someone else's turn to fill that hole as we move on to life's next great adventure.


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