Steve's Blog

Thursday, March 16, 2006

House hunt

Originally Posted @ 8/15/2005 10:59 AM

Three up, three down. That's the first and last sports metaphor you'll ever hear me speak. The first weekend of actual house hunting was a bust, but not really. We confirmed that there are some neighborhoods we really like and some we don't. Now the process of narrowing down the search to those neighborhoods begins. The houses ranged from yuck to almost. One thing you never want to hear your real estate agent utter upon opening the door to a house he's showing you is "well, that's pretty weird." What is also pretty weird is when people refuse to leave the house while it's being shown. Is the fat guy on the couch negotiable? We'd like to see the second floor bathroom but, there seems to be someone taking a shower. Really, don't go to any trouble, you're only trying to convince us to give you a few hundred thousand dollars for your house after all.


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