Steve's Blog

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Pins and Needles

Originally posted @ 9/6/2005 7:49 AM

By the time this is posted, we should hopefully have received some indication. At present, flying through the clouds on my Monday morning commute, I'm disconnected. Normally this short electronic sabbatical would be welcome but, today is different. Thoughts of the house fill my head. Did we offer enough? Did we ask for too much? How long until we hear something? Any negotiation is a sensitive matter that requires patience on the part of both the buyer and the seller. Emotion can often lead to costly mistakes. You have to be willing to walk away from the deal. Whoever said all that wasn't sitting on an airplane waiting to hear if their offer on a house had been accepted.

UPDATE: The sellers don't expect to have an answer until tonight or possibly tomorrow morning. Glad to see they're right on top of things.


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