Steve's Blog

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Tao of Ricky

Originally posted @ 2/24/2006 8:01 PM

“Today at school, Ricky threw paper towels in the toilet” we were informed at bath time. “What did the teacher do?” we inquired. “She made Ricky take them out with a glove on.” It seemed like justice had been served, an eye for an eye and all that. But, that was not to be. “Then, Ricky took the glove and flushed it down the toilet.” Touché. It may seem funny now, but you just wait Ricky, whoever you are, until you're standing at a clogged commode, water perched a millimeter from the brim, plunger in hand trying desperately not to get splashed as you heave mightily. They’ll be no five year old fan club to cheer you on then. Enjoy your toilet clogging days while they last.


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