Steve's Blog

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Thanksgiving Eve

Originally Posted @ 12/5/2005 4:25 PM

As the single largest poultry specimen I have ever laid eyes on soaks in it's luxurious briny bath, my wife and I attempt to make the house we've lived in for four weeks look like we've been there for a year. Two people running around feverishly hanging pictures, cleaning floors, and preparing the ingredients for the festivities to come. There's cranberries to boil, gizzards to sauté, and cakes to be baked. There's an excited four year old repeatedly asking if it's time to make the cake. She's excited not at the prospect of eating the cake but at the prospect of eating the ingredients (specifically, the cream cheese) before they go into the cake. Finally, the moment arrives, time to make the pumpkin cheesecake. First step, squeeze the water out of the pumpkin filling; the first response, a resounding "yuck." It's like sausage, better not to see it being made. Next, the cream cheese. As much goes into the child as goes into the cake. After the supply of available cream cheese runs out, the cook is on his own to finish the cake. Up next, the famous, foolproof carrot cake. 3 hours later an undercooked mush carrot cake is being thrown away. Better luck next time. Maybe it was the oven? Yes, the oven thermostat is off, that must be it! Where can we get an oven thermometer at 1:00 am? Two neurotic people finally give up and go to bed. We'll try again tomorrow.


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