Steve's Blog

Thursday, March 16, 2006

They're Not Mine, Really!

Originally Posted @ 8/13/2005 7:08 PM

Upon checking into my hotel room last week, I discovered that the Internet access was not working. After much wrangling with technical support, they decided to send a maintenance person up to check the cable and related connections. As it turns out, the connection is behind the refrigerator which means it has to be pulled out to get at the cables. As the maintenance man wrestled the refrigerator from its home in the armoire, a large collection of "adult" magazines fell out. I felt like a teenager caught red handed going into immediate denial mode: "They're not mine, I just checked in." This was in fact, true. I hadn't even unpacked yet and further more, if I was in possession of such a collection, why would I stick them behind the refrigerator in a hotel room? He seemed convinced and went about his work. A fact that did nothing to diminish my embarrassment. Once completed, he inquired what I would like him to do with this new found bounty. "Don't care, I didn't put them there," was my only reply. So what do you think he did? He put them back behind the refrigerator! For the rest of the night I felt like there was a gremlin in my room haunting me. How had they gotten there? I could not come up with any comforting scenario to explain that. Why had he put them back? Was he going to come back and retrieve them? Did he think they were mine? There was just no upside to this. I sure hope I don't get room 427 or, as it will forever be known, "The Porno Suite," again anytime soon. I may have to start traveling with a pair of rubber gloves, because I certainly thought twice about touching anything in the hotel room for the rest of the week.


  • So okay, like which hotel was it where you found the mysterious stash of evil porn? Uh, just so I can avoid that nasty subversive place.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:02 AM  

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