Steve's Blog

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Originally posted @ 11/1/2005 9:35 AM

As I stood in the doorway of our new home, warm and dry, I spied a pterodactyl and pink power ranger with moms in tow braving the cold rain in pursuit of Halloween candy. The power ranger was still sniffling in anger over having to wear a coat under the pink jumpsuit. Even power rangers have moms to contend with. Besides, don’t they get cold in space with nothing under those spandex suits?

Upon their return, I learned that I have the only child in the history of trick-or-treaters to refuse candy. Any neighbor distributing a goody not to the pink power ranger’s liking was given a polite “no thank-you” and the candy was promptly returned to the bowl from which it came. I’m not talking about the normally discarded remnants of Halloween. These were not popcorn balls and black licorice, but real candy refused by a picky power ranger.

Despite the refusals, the Halloween take was sufficient enough to satisfy the sugar cravings of one pterodactyl and one pink power ranger (and two moms).


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