Steve's Blog

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Shoe By Any Other Name

Maybe it's just my imagination, but I think family parties have gotten a lot more fun over time. They used to be relatively low key affairs. Some polite conversation, maybe look at some new photos, eat a nice meal and everyone says their goodnights and heads home. That was in the boring old days. Today we've got people passed out on the couch, children upstairs giving each other haircuts, camp fires, animals escaping from their cages, and family members stealing each others shoes. Keep a close eye on that new coat or it might just get "traded" for a slightly used model at the next holiday. Each holiday has become an event where the anticipation of what might happen fills us with excitement. Will the cook drink too much and abandon the party? Will the guinea pig escape and terrorize the family? Will Emma and Lauren give each other those mohawks they've been wanting? Memorial day is coming soon and I can't wait!


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