Steve's Blog

Friday, July 07, 2006

Steve's Tips for Better Living #6

This is one for the fellas: wear a shirt. Are you at the beach or someplace where being submerged in water is a possibility? No? You need a shirt. That's right, I'm talking to you big gut lawn mowing guy. I don't care how hot it is, you need a shirt. And you showing off your new smurf tattoo at the carnival and too cool for a shirt dude. You need a shirt. In order to make the decision as simple as possible, I've put together a simple set of rules to determine when it is OK to not have a shirt on:

1) You are going swimming or taking a shower or bath
2) You are in bed
3) A doctor has just asked you to take your shirt off

That's it. Any other time you are in public, you need a shirt. Even when dead, your carcass should have a shirt on it. Although, I think pants are optional at that point.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Not Starring

Another useless but interesting waste of time. See what stars were originally cast in movie roles. My favorite: Tom Selleck in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not Starring

Monday, July 03, 2006

Crisis Averted

Bruce Willis can put his space suit back into storage. Asteroid 2004 XP14 missed the Earth this morning by a distance of 269,000 miles. For the astronomically impaired, the moon is 238,857 miles away so, it was not as far away as it sounds. The asteroid was about half a mile wide and would have definitely put a damper on any 4th of July plans.

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