Steve's Blog

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


If you took Chicago, got rid of the lake, spread out the buildings, removed most of the trees, and moved it closer to the sun or hell, you would have Dallas. Today it was 105°F. Stop and think about that for a second, that's almost half way to boiling water (for the Chemistry impaired, water boils at 212°F).  According to my research (one Google search) the hottest temperature on Earth, recorded in 1913, is 134°F in Death Valley. Sorta makes 105 look wimpy but still it feels like an invisible wall has hit you in the face, I think it's probably hot enough.

Did I mention that Dallas has lizards? In your hotel room? What the? That's right, it's so hot, the bugs have headed north to cool off. No worries though, the lizards have stayed to make sure you have a completely creepy experience during your visit. This little guy was waiting for me in my hotel room upon check-in. I guess a mint on the pillow is more of a Northern thing. Now the question I had is if it's acceptable to squish a lizard. If it were a bug I probably would have dispatched it without a second thought. A lizard just somehow seems higher on the consideration ladder. Oh, and if you stay at the Hampton Inn in Los Colinas, I wouldn't use the coffee pot in room 522.


  • I thought about it but, "Man Arrested for Smuggling Lizard in Pants" is not a headline I want to be associated with.

    By Blogger Steve, at 7:11 PM  

  • Just for your info, when Betty and I stayed on the Boardwalk at Disney World a few eons ago, there was a swell lizard that loved the lamp in our room. Just thought you should know.
    Uncle Casey

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:05 AM  

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