Steve's Blog

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Apprentice?

Working for the Donald is so last year. Besides, without Carolyn, he's nothing. What's the new hotness you ask? Working for the Stephen. That's right, Stephen Hawking is looking for an assistant. You can check out the job posting here, but don't get any ideas because you are not qualified.  The requirements include flexibility, stamina, caring, confidence, and a valid drivers license. Hey, I've got all those things! Well, maybe not so much stamina but I can carry a five year old all over a craft fare and only have a sore back for three days. Does that count? I definitely have a drivers licence. I've read A Brief History of Time, that has to count for something. It should be a sufficient substitute for the flexibility and caring.  Stephen and I could sit around and fine tune our theories about black holes and dark matter. I've got a few thoughts on String Theory I think he might be interested in. My peanut butter and jelly theory is set to turn the world of physics on its ear. And check it out, it pays £20,842! Now if I can just figure out how much 1 £ is worth. What the heck is a £ anyway?


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