Steve's Blog

Monday, September 18, 2006

Boys are Yucky

My wife recently overheard a conversation between our daughter and niece. They were exploring the many benefits of an all female culture. That's right, all boys would be turned into girls. As with all great plans, they hit a snag. No boys means no daddies. I was relieved to hear that they reached a compromise in which each of their daddies would be allowed to remain male. Everyone else however, was in for a forced gender change. This was, of course, all highly speculative and steeped in wild supposition. They lack both the knowledge and the determination to enact such sweeping cultural change. Should they however, discover the means to turn all the boys into girls, we're going to have to kick fuzzy slipper and stuffed kitty production into high gear. We might want to give China a heads up just in case.


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