Steve's Blog

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Ground Zero

Seeing Ground Zero is not something I can easily describe. I can not admit to being struck by the tragedy. I think its difficult to associate the place with the images we all saw in the news. It's actually quite difficult to get a good view from anywhere other than the viewing area they have setup along one side of the site. Hordes of people swarm like bees through an area about a block long. Tourists taking pictures, film crews, news broadcasters, conspiracy theorists holding signs and hawking their shirts and books, small vendors capitalizing on the tragedy, and annoyed locals all push and shove their way through. What really shocked me was not the crowds, I was expecting that. What I wasn't expecting was the sheer magnitude of the site.  Although, if anything, it mostly resembles a construction site at this point. If it wasn't for the damaged buildings around the outskirts, you'd never know the tragedy that had taken place here.  I hope they begin construction on the site soon, to leave it empty looking as it does would just be wrong.


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