Steve's Blog

Friday, September 15, 2006

Outta Here

After one last subway trip (#2 Uptown and transfer at 42nd to the #1 Uptown)  to see Central Park, my time in New York is at an end. I will say this about the park, it's big. No, I mean it, really big. Big in a way that seeing it on a map just doesn't convey. I walked for what seemed like forever only to realize I hadn't even traversed half the length of the park. I did get to see the Tavern the Green. After the realization stuck me that I was not going to walk all the way around the park, I detoured west to see the Lincoln Center, New York Opera and Juliard. Like almost everything else here, the Lincoln Center is surrounded by scaffolding and undergoing renovation. I'm starting to think the scaffoldings hold up the buildings.

I had a great time exploring this city. I have the distinct impression that I haven't even scratched the surface, especially since I never made it north of 70th street. I think the thing I'll miss most about New York is the two egg, bacon, and cheese on a roll from the local deli. Those things are good. Maybe I've got time to stop for just one more.  


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