Steve's Blog

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Stop Paying for Stuff!

Whoever said that there's no such thing as a free lunch has never visited Craig's List.  This person is giving away two boxes of free food! Mmm, just like Mom used to give away. Now that we've eaten, lets see what else we can pickup for free in the area:

The Worlds's Stupidest/Ugliest Doll. That's right, forget those long lines at Christmas. You can get that special someone this treasure for free! And you can tell them with confidence, that it's the World's Stupidest and Ugliest. Of course after they kick you out of the house, you can always live in this free mobile home.  Of course since you'll be single again you're going to want to look your best to attract a new mate. I would suggest a free haircut at Mario Tricoci in Vernon Hills. So what if she's a student, I'm sure it will turn out just fine. If the whole meeting people thing doesn't work out, you can always head back to your trailer and pass the time with these two free cats.  When you get tired you can take a nap in your new (and free) Lazy Boy Chair.  The foot rest doesn't always stay up but the current owner insists it's very comfy. After waking up refreshed, why not  head over to Bolingbrook and spend a little time playing in a free giant pile of dirt. The owner surmises that it's, for the most part, very good. Although, giant may be a bit of an exaggeration. Finally after a long day or enjoying your newfound freedom, you can wash up in a free old sink and drift off to sleep while gazing at the World's Stupidest/Ugliest Doll. See, good things in life are free.


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