Steve's Blog

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Travel Tips from the TSA

I don't mean to pick on the TSA (OK, maybe a little) but I've spent so much time in airports that the absurdity of it all has led to a new form of psychosis. As the one to discover this disorder, I'll assert naming privileges. TSASS or Transportation Security Administration Stupidity Syndrome affects anyone who spends too much time making their way through airport security.  You see, people with TSA become inextricably stupid while trying to make it through security. Luckily, TSA seems to be aware of this issue and has posted some helpful tips on their web site. Tips we need to keep in mind while in the throws of TSA induced stupidity. Here's a prime example:

NEVER leave babies in an infant carrier while it goes through the X-ray machine.

Read more about traveling with children here. You know this particular tip was only added because someone (suffering from TSASS) actually tried it. Until a cure is found, watch the X-ray belt for babies and try to be understanding while in line. TSASS can strike any one of us without warning.


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