Steve's Blog

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


How's this for marketing: the tag line for Mazda's new SUV is  "The SUV You Never Saw Coming." I can imagine the commercials now. Close up of a woman, pan out, she's lying in a hospital bed, she turns slowly and utters, "I never saw it coming." They could even have a contest where they drive ten of these all over the country and try to hit people who aren't looking. If you get hit, you win one. It's the "SUV You Never Saw Coming" giveaway! Since Ford owns Mazda, they should apply this campaign to other things like factory closings. It's the factory closing you never saw coming! Oh, you got me, I didn't. Don't people sit around in a conference room and say these things out loud before they use them? I might use it for my blog, forget snakes on a blog, sleep with one eye open because it's the blog you never saw coming!


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