Steve's Blog

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Candy Hangover

Another Halloween is done. Millions of children woke up this morning feeling just a little groggier than usual. Oh sure, Mom and Dad said that one last Snicker's wasn't a good idea but trust me, they understand. You get that sugar buzz going and you don't want it to stop. You wake up the next morning, head aching, stomach upset and a little more tired than usual. A teaspoon of Motrin later and you're staggering your way towards breakfast swearing you'll never do this to yourself again. You realize that girl you were Trick-or-Treating with didn't have such a cute costume after all. It was just the chocolate goggles. The spectacle you made of yourself is just a fuzzy memory. The details are kind of sketchy. Who knows how many pixie stick were involved? Maybe a glass of milk will help. Just one peanut butter cup, surely a little hair of the dog will perk you up. We've all been there before. The promises of reform, the self admonishment, but you know as well as I do that by next Halloween, the memory will fade. You'll be hitting the stuff twice as hard. 


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