Steve's Blog

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

RIP Old Friend

Floppy Disk, you lived a long an fruitful life. Born in 1969 at only 8 inches you shrank to 5.25 by 1976. Then in 1981 you shrank again to 3.5 inches. I remember thinking how incredibly cool and high-tech those 3.5 inch disks seemed with their little sliding metal window , write protect tab, and gargantuan 1.44 MB of storage. Now floppy, you're leaving us for good.

As with the 8-Track and the generation that actually used them, future generations will constantly ask us "You used floppy disks?" as they stare in amazement at how old we must be. It's alright, because someday, they're kids will be asking "You actually used flash drives? You must be old!"


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