Steve's Blog

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

NetFlix - Watch Now

I just noticed a new tab on NetFlix called "Watch Now". It allows you to watch movies instantly over the Internet. You get one hour of video per month for every $1 your subscription costs. So in addition to our usual 3 DVDs, I can watch 18 hours of online video a month. Nice to know when I'm on the road I can still catch a movie. Now I just have to find a hotel with a nice fast Internet connection.

Monday, March 26, 2007

This story is crap!

Next time you're sending a thank-you note to that special someone, consider writing it on a notecard made from panda poop. Nothing says you care like poo.


The coal mine under this town has been on fire since 1961. It's now almost completely abandoned and the highway has been routed around it. It's an interesting story.

For a more local taste of abandoned places, here are some pictures of abandoned Chanute Air Force base in Illinois. I actually remember spending a couple weekends there as a Boy Scout.

What's With That House?

HGTV visited our seedy little burg of Frankfort to feature a local home on What's With That Hours? It may just be that I'm not very observant but I have to admit that I've never noticed it before.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy Spring!

It's the first day of spring. The vernal equinox is actually tomorrow so you'll have to cope with unbalanced eggs for one more day.

Monday, March 19, 2007

One More Documentary

Iraq for Sale goes to great lengths to expose the ways in which the war in Iraq has been privatized for profit. What's also interesting about this documentary is that it was funded largely by small online donations. Once you see where your tax money is and is not going, it's difficult to think about the war as a humanitarian effort. It's worth watching just to see how the soldiers are treated. Here's a hint: it isn't encouraging.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Our Neuton lawn mower arrived via FedEx today. We've decided to give a greener option a chance. It's a rechargeable, battery powered mower. It comes with a six month trial guarantee. After reading that the average lawn mower emits as much pollution as 8 new cars traveling at 55 MPH, it seemed like it was worth a try. I can't wait for a warm day to see how it runs. Stay tuned for updates.

Beware the Ides of March

Especially if you're Cesar. Happy Ides of March.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Today We Drink Lattes in...

OK, I might be wearing that one out but don't forget to stop by Starbuck's on Thursday, March 15th for a free cup of coffee. Because you can never have enough caffeine and free caffeine is just a little sweeter.

Happy Pi Day!

I almost forgot to wish everyone a happy Pi Day. Mmmm pi, arghhh. Here are some other holidays that might be missing from your calendar:

So, there's never a reason not to be celebrating something!

300 Lunchbox

Sue pointed this out in a comment to a previous post but, it's good enough to mention again. You can actually get a 300 lunchbox emblazoned with "Tonight we dine in hell!" Possibly the greatest lunchbox ever. I bet ever kindergartner will be toting one around very soon. The perfect vessel in which to store your peanut butter and jelly sandwich. If anyone gives you a hard time, you can slay them with your authentic Spartan sword.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Meet Me in the Lobby

If you ever decide to stay at the DoubleTree hotel in Rockville Maryland, you should be aware that they are "painting a new canvas" as the web site so eloquently states. What exactly does this mean? I had no idea until I arrived. Here is the picture of their lobby from the web site. Here is the picture I took of their lobby when I arrived. I can't quite put my finger on it but, there's something not quite right. Oh, by the way, construction begins promptly at 8:00 AM, the gym and pool are closed, and the only available rooms have no windows. Enjoy your stay! Oh, and yes I'm going back there because I get a ton of Hilton Honors points for every stay.

Eat a Hearty Breakfast

For tonight we dine in hell! From now on I'm saying this to my wife and daughter every morning at breakfast. If that doesn't inspire them, I'll yell "This is Sparta!" at the top of my lungs. In fact, I'm going to try to work those two quotes into every conversation I have. It may not have been a historically accurate depiction of the Battle of Thermopylae but damn, 300 was awesome. It's been a long time since I've seen an action movie this good but if Sue is raving about it, I can't be wrong. I had no idea how buff the Greeks were. I guess there's something to that Mediterranean diet after all. Even Richard Roeper loved it.

Friday, March 09, 2007

No More Incandescent Bulbs for the EU

Looks like the leaders of the European Union have decided to phase out incandescent bulbs by the end of the decade, following the example set by Australia. Maybe the U.S. will follow suit someday unless, the light bulb lobby stops us first.

Daylight Savings Time

March 11th is the start of Daylight Savings Time (3 weeks earlier than it used to be). If you're running Windows, go here to make sure your computer is ready.

Oh, and just so you Mac readers don't feel left out, you can go here.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Comic Book Movies

While looking forward to 300 I thought I'd list some movies you probably didn't know where based on comic books. 10 of them actually, although I wouldn't call it a top 10 list. It does show just how varied and creative the medium can be. Some great, some terrible and some just surprising. I've put them my own highly subjective order from best to worst.

  • Ghost World
  • American Splendor
  • V for Vendetta
  • Constantine
  • Road to Perdition
  • A History of Violence
  • The Crow
  • From Hell
  • Men in Black
  • The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

OK, maybe you already knew about some of them... I left out some really good but more obvious ones.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

One More Airline Post

I have to check my bag because deodorant and toothpaste pose a clear and present danger to my fellow passengers but this guy gets to travel with 14 guns and 8 bags of marijuana? I can sympathize, sometimes I bring that extra pair of shoes that I think I need but never end up wearing or too many pairs of underwear, just in case. If I had to bring only one gun with me or face the possibility of not having enough marijuana, I just don't know what I'd do.

The Devil is in the Details

Imagine wasting a day and a half because you typed this:

taskId = new Guid();

instead of this:

taskId = Guid.NewGuid();

Sometimes my job brings me right to the brink of insanity and then a bolt of inspiration strikes and the solution magically appears. Other times, it brings me to the brink and mercilessly pushes me right over the edge.

Rectum? Nearly Killed 'em!

I've been waiting for two years to be able to use that line and actually be relate it to an actual news story. Wait for the new TSA rules to be released tomorrow. You'll need that 3oz of personal lubricant and a rubber glove just to make it through the security inspection. While we're on the subject of airlines, I think I'm going to pass on flying NWA from now on. I've heard of service with a smile but that's taking it just a little too far.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Netflix = Green?

You're helping the environment by subscribing to Netflix. Think of the fuel you're saving (and the pollution you're not causing) by getting DVDs delivered along with the mail instead of schlepping them back and forth to the video store. Plus, now you don't have to face the smug grin from the clerk when you rent The Wedding Planner for the tenth time, weirdo.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Bye Bye Boston

It's been four years since I worked in Boston and it was nice to come back for a few days. Confusing lanes winding circles around ancient buildings. It's charming in a way not many cities are. The restaurants I remember were still good, confirming that it wasn't just the haze of misery that made them stand out. Fire and Ice, Central Kitchen, Kingfish Hall all worth a visit. My current stint of five days is much preferable to the 9 months I spent here last time. Neither can compare to working from home for the last six months. Next week it's on to the D.C. area for the first time. Maybe I'll be able to catch a glimpse of that big white house.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

RIAA Boycott

There's a grass roots movement brewing online to boycott the RIAA in March. It's tough to justify supporting an industry that insists on suing its customers, forcing DRM on us all, and taking advantage of the artists that make the music. Luckily, there are plenty of independent record labels that are not part of the RIAA. Check out RIAA Radar to see if your favorite band is on a label that belongs to the RIAA. I'm sad to admit that most of my favorites are.

Total Eclipse

Saturday will be the first total lunar eclipse since 2004. It looks like those of us in the Midwest won't be able to see the entire thing but if it's not too cold and is a clear night, it might be worth a peek outside. Any east coast or European viewers will have a better view.

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