Steve's Blog

Monday, April 16, 2007

Seeing Red Again

Chevelle, as expected, put on an excellent show on Friday at the Riviera. I do have to say that when I was a boy, we didn't bring cell phones to concerts, and that's the way we liked it! There was no hugging, high fiving, checking email on you smart phone, taking pictures with your smart phone, making videos with your smart phone, texting, LOL-ing, or anything else. We did however have plenty of STFU which brings me to the opening band. Finger Eleven? I've got some suggestions for what you can do with that extra finger. You could poke the bass player to make sure he's still alive, you could use it to point the rhythm guitar player off the stage or, you could plug one of my ears so I only have to listen to 50% of your songs. It's a shame your not called Finger Twelve because then I could get both ears covered. But I digress. I'm sure the legions of camera phone toting hipsters recording the show for posterity in stunning 1 megapixel resolution will have a digital memory they can treasure for years to come. I tried to get a picture of them with my camera phone but, it didn't turn out.


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