Fighting City Hall
A tale of seedy small town politics recently unfolded in our little berg as a new Port-Potty was deposited in the park across the street from our house. Being the concerned citizen that I am, I immediately, five or six days later, fired off a stern email to one of our Village Trustees. You see, he's the only one with a web site and I certainly wasn't going to call anyone on the phone. I'm not some kind of Luddite. Knowing the power my blog wields with its 10s of users, our local government immediately escalated the issue to the mayor who informed me that he would look into the issue. Yes, the mayor and I are in direct communication on these sorts of matters. This morning, victory was mine, when I was informed that the potty would be moved 100 feet to the north and out of our field of view. Tremble before the power of the little guy, small south-suburban governmental machine!
In all seriousness, thank you to the Village of Frankfort and Village Trustee Jake Parrillo for taking a minor complaint from one of its citizens so seriously. And yes, I did actually get an email from the mayor.
Thanks for handling that one!
Sue, at 9:47 AM
That's pretty cool. Sounds like you have great people and gov. representatives in your town. We had our own little encounter with local gov/police tonight. My family was sitting down at dinner as usual, and we suddenly saw out of our window the local grocery store owner chasing after an unknown man across the lawns! The burglar was zig-zagging and trying to fake him out, dropping items along the way. So the law-abiding, crime-busting IRS agent that my dad is hopped in our car and followed after them, calling the police. Eventually I guess they cornered the guy in a house down the street. Apparently he had stolen from the store, ran, and ditched the items as he was being chased. One particular item my sister witnessed being dropped across the street turned out to be drugs, which, personally, I think she was a little too enthused about telling the police and helping them find the drugs. So the police have an 8pm interview wiht my dad in our living room this evening. He helped the chase and my sister helped point out the dropped drugs. You know, just a typical family dinner in Suburbia.
p.s. Although this will now seem quite boring relative to my other story, my AP comp science test went fairly well today. And if nothing else, it's great to have it over with!
Anonymous, at 6:56 PM
Glad to hear the test went well! The seedy underbelly of the suburbs exposed for all to see. I'm moving back to the city where it's safe.
On a side note, in high school I had to pick a woman out of a line-up for the DEA. She was involved in a fake prescription ring that targeted the pharmacy I worked at. They refused to place me in the witness protection program. Too bad, I was hoping to upgrade. I would have changed my name to Max Power.
Steve, at 10:47 PM
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