Fit for Humans
Remember that stuff that made its way into pet food from China? The stuff that killed all those pets? It turns out that the same stuff was fed to chickens, pigs, and farmed fish. But don't worry, the FDA and USDA say it's safe for humans to eat them. So, the same people who let the food into the country in the first place are saying that it's fine for you to eat animals that have been fed with it. Call me cynical but something doesn't seem quite right. Even if you don't by the whole organic, green, global warming, sustainable, save the planet line of thinking it still makes you wonder. As for me, I think I'll stick to locally grown chicken, beef, and even produce whenever possible. As the Farmer's Market site suggests, "Know the Story of Your Food."
What I don't understand is why are we getting food from China (or any place else that far)anyway? I grew up with this crazy notion that we were the world's bread basket.
Sue, at 10:59 PM
Seems to me it has to do with cheap labor and the cost of actually processing the food. Seems to always point back in the direction of cheap labor!
Unknown, at 9:10 AM
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