Steve's Blog

Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Little Mad Cow Never Hurt Anybody

Oh, wait, I've just been informed that it did. That makes it even more strange that the Bush Administration would fight to prevent a beef producer in Kansas from testing all of their cows. You see, the reasoning goes something like this: if we let this one ranch test all their cows, then larger meat companies might have to test all of theirs as well and that would cost them money. So, screw the consumers, we don't want to test all out cows. We'll just take this ranch to court. Evil mad cow testers must be stopped.

I'll say this again. Buy your meat from someplace you trust and where you know how the animals are handled and treated, like Tallgrass, or BlackWing, or SteakBurger. Better yet, get yourself to a farmer's market and actually meet the people producing the food.


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