Vicariously I...
Normally I'm a small venue kind of guy. It may be a remnant of the punk days I enjoyed in college. Seeing bands in barns and VFW halls was always infinitely better than huge corporate sponsored mega-stadiums with ever changing brand identities. New World Music Theater, Tweeter Center, Allstate Arena, who can keep track of it? Thankfully, I set my faux musical snobbery aside this weekend for the sake of a road trip to Fort Wayne, Indiana. It was there at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum that we we saw Tool. I have no idea what war the coliseum was built in memorial of. I hope it was the Spanish American War because, for my money, that's the most underappreciated war. I digress. Lasers, video screens, smoke, it was quite a show. Jambi, Forty Six & Two, Vicarious, Lateralus, and many more. It was a great thrill to see them performed live. My only complaint is getting out of the parking lot. Our autos like cattle slowly herded towards right turn only hell. Never had that problem at the VFW hall.
Please Steve,it's Fort Wayne not Forty Wayne. You should have gone out the exit you came in than it would not have taken so long and you would have been going the right direction.
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
And I thought Kristen was the grammar and spelling Nazi! Since I don’t proofread these posts, if spell-check doesn’t find it, it usually gets published. Besides you’re supposed to be so enamored of my witty verbal stylings that all errors slip past unnoticed.
Now going out the same entrance would have been a good plan. Also parking near the entrance, in retrospect, might have helped. What can I say, we’re conditioned to park as close to the door as possible.
Steve, at 2:33 PM
I do really enjoy your Blog.
Anonymous, at 3:12 PM
Then you're part of a select few!
Steve, at 9:13 AM
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