Steve's Blog

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It Really Tied the Room Together

images "I peed so hard some got on the rug." Go ahead, let that sentence roll around your head for a moment. Pre-kids, those same words from an adult would have sent me running for the hills or at very least prompted a "what the heck is wrong with that guy/girl" conversation with my wife. Post-kids, it's just another straw piled on the camel's back. Fortunately for me, is wasn't my child that uttered that little gem. Unfortunately for me, it was our monkey rug. That rug really tied the room together. Bummer man.


  • You neglected to mention another child visiting threw up on the rug just the week before. Happily, the rug has now survived two washings and is back in Emma's bathroom.

    By Blogger Sue, at 2:56 PM  

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