Steve's Blog

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Patriotic Hangover

The neighborhood seems to be fully recovered from its patriotic hangover today. The spent casing of Chinese manufactured fireworks purchased from exotic locales like Indiana litter the streets. It's as if the citizens have been saving up all their patriotism for the entire year only to spend it all in one cathartic evening. A red white and blue money shot. A flag waving, rocket red glaring display of unrivaled love for one's country. Unfortunately, with all the patriotism proudly displayed over the course of the day, it will take some time to recover. Things like voting, the environment, recycling, conservation, fixing our broken government, those are going to have to wait while we all recover. We need to rest up for another rousing rendition of America the Beautiful. Next July 4th of course. Maybe we'll drag the flag out for Labor day but, without explosives, it hardly seems worth it. I sure wish that ringing in my ears would stop.


  • I sure agree with you on this.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:19 AM  

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