Steve's Blog

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

I've always enjoyed baseball. I fact, it was at a Cubs game way back in 199? that I first glimpsed my future bride (sorry honey dates have always eluded me). Let me be clearer, I've always enjoyed going to baseball games. Baseball itself is frankly, pretty boring. It's only the addition of beer, peanuts, hot dogs, and fireworks that make the game interesting. In fact those guys in uniforms running around on the grass seem to be periphery to the whole affair. The scoreboard has way to much information on it. Simply figuring out the score seems to involve some sort of math skill that eludes me. Who's winning? No idea. Which team is which? No idea. Where can we go to get a Harp? Oh, the shortest line is right over there.

Of course bringing children to a baseball game adds a whole new dimension to the experience. Now you've paid to get repeatedly poked with a giant foam finger and have your hot dog stolen. The mascot can't possible keep them entertained for 9 innings but poking dad with the foam finger sure can. Once that gets old you can always turn on the unsuspecting strangers behind or in front of you. Ah yes, a good time was had by all. Thanks Joliet Jackhammers. I have no idea if you won or lost, but we sure had a good time at the game.


  • That really was a fun evening.And the girl's sure had a good time with the foam finger's

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:22 PM  

  • For the record, it was June of 1997.

    By Blogger Sue, at 9:00 PM  

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