Steve's Blog

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Have Laptop Will Travel

As the lease on my trusty Dell Latitude D800 nears an end, I'm filled with the anticipation that accompanies new laptop time. Bigger screen, more memory, dual core, my hopes are high. A certain six-year-old is already drooling over my slightly worn keyboard eager to get her crumb covered little fingers on it. You see Daddy, she explains "that laptop you gave me is really slow". I guess when you're doing some heavy duty number crunching (addition is hard at six) or tending to your Elle the elephant in Webkinz world, you need all the computing horsepower you can get your hands on.

I'll certainly miss the old work horse. She's been dropped, smushed, had a glass of water spilled on her, and suffered any number of unseen indignities while traveling through airport security. After three years, it looks a little worse for wear but, other than a small crack in the exterior (which Dell fixed), she's in perfect working order. So yes, honey, she'll be all yours in just a few more weeks. Take good care of her, she's helped me pay the bills and keep this operation afloat for the last three years.  My constant traveling companion.


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