Steve's Blog

Monday, August 27, 2007

High-Fructose Corn Syrup Redux

I've written about our old nemesis HFCS before but, it's worth pointing out that recent research has linked the stuff to diabetes. I can't say it enough, avoid HFCS like the plague. There is no reason this product should be in anything! That being said, here's a little challenge for you. Head to the grocery store and try and find a package of hamburger buns without HFCS. It's not easy. Even "healthy" whole wheat buns have it baked in. Mmmm, taste the obesity and diabetes baked into every bite. Once in a while we'll get lucky but often times there are simply no alternatives.

While we're at it, here's another interesting question. Why isn't this research being plastered all over the news? Without throwing out any wild conspiracy theories, I'll just point out that you would think it would be.


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