Steve's Blog

Monday, August 06, 2007

The Logo is Tasty

Imagine that, when scientists tested a group of 3 and 5 year olds, they said the food in the McDonald's wrapper tasted better. The thing is, scientists were feeding them the same food both in and not in the McDonald's wrappers. I'm encouraged that they thought the carrots in the wrapper tasted better. Maybe I can use a little of that Jedi mind trick to get my picky eater to try some veggies! In any case, I'm pretty sure Morgan Spurlock was trying to make the same point in Super Size Me back in 2004. I'm sorry but adults are capable of making informed decisions, kids are not. It takes parents and schools and summer camps to help them become informed. If you market to children, I think there's an ethical responsibility to also have some concern for their well being and health.


  • That's the thing about food marketing, ethics isn't what sells. Think about all those boxes in the grocery store marked 'Low Fat' that are loaded with chemicals and high fructose corn syrup.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:16 AM  

  • That's the thing about all types of marketing I guess. I think the marketing is OK, but also making information about the product available is key.

    By Blogger Steve, at 11:21 AM  

  • Another good example is what fast foodies are doing with game pieces - even Subway - you have to buy the largest size soft drink in order to get a game piece!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:09 PM  

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