The Quest for Knowledge
Some strange Google searches have brought readers to my little quiet corner of the Internet. To the searchers who came searching for knowledge, which I'm sure you didn't find, allow me to make amends. Some of my favorite Google searches that have led surfers to this site:
- "pierson's puppeteer creative-commons" - I don't think they would be in support of it but then again I've never met one.
- "fixing an undercooked cheesecake" - it'll firm up in the refrigerator
- "chef mickey disney chance get reservation week after labor day 2007" - no chance, dress like a princess and eat a PB&J in front of the castle
- "sweaty butt syndrome" - get cotton underwear and don't see near me on the airplane
- "vfw hall in frankfort illinois" - it's on Pfeiffer between Old Sauk Trail and Laraway Roads. Try the fish.
- "are oxygen containers allowed on airplanes" - yes but not in the seat next to me
- "forced gender change" - OK, I admit it, I'm guilty of drinking and blogging but I'm pretty sure I never wrote about this topic. Sorry, no help here.
- "what are the extra marks on a tape measure" - I still have no idea. I can't tell and inch and three quarters from an inch and seven eights. Ask a carpenter.
- "aerogarden" - I admit it, I've never gotten a damn thing besides lettuce to grow in this thing. If you're in the market I can make you a good deal on one!
So there you have it. Hopefully I've helped in some small way.
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