Steve's Blog

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Long Distance Runaround

150px-Circular_Intersection_sign_svg The Roundabout. Who decided these were better than stoplights? Sure they seem simple. "Yield to vehicles in circle" the sign says and then you're sucked into the heart of the beast. How the hell are you supposed to know if any given vehicle is going to turn or come whizzing around the circle like a satellite preparing for a gravity assisted slingshot out of the solar system? Oh and pity on the poor fool who gets trapped in the inside lane. Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament! Think about it, to make a left turn, you have to get in the right lane, go 180 degrees and then turn right. Even your GPS assisted navigation system can't help you now! I can't wait to get back home where we've got intersections with 90 degree angles.  

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Emma goes to swimming class once a week at the local high school. Actual high-school students teach the class and, I have to say, they do a really good job. The class is divided into levels with the level 1 students being the youngest and concentrating on things like getting their faces wet and simply getting comfortable being in the water. Yesterday I witnessed the dedication these teens have to their students. One of the level 1 kids threw up on her instructor after apparently swallowing a too much pool water. Not to be too graphic but let's just say the little girl scored a direct hit. To his credit, the instructor wiped it off, someone came and skimmed the pool, sprayed the deck, and class went on. Never has my line of work called for me to potentially be vomited upon and I'm glad because were that to happen, you'd all be on your own and I would be outta there. So, kudos to the swimming instructors, you give teenagers everywhere a good name. Plus anyone with the patience to teach six year olds the back stroke deserves some praise.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 19th is International Talk like a Pirate Day. Yarrr, can ye believe it's been a whole year already?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Your know life has taken a sharp turn towards adulthood when your idea of playing hooky is staying home and cleaning the garage. Although, I have to say, it was satisfying to start and finish a project all in the same day.  Each little spider web sucked deep into the bowels of the Shop-Vac a small victory for the garage crew. We now enter Fall with a clean garage. Oh, and we went to the health food store and had some nice oatmeal smoothies. There I was minding my own business and all of the sudden smack, being an adult smacks me upside the head. Cleaning garages and eating oatmeal smoothies and that constitutes a day off. It's a sick sad world we live in.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Get the Lead Out

If you're concerned about that favorite toy and what it might be covered with, then Lead Check might be just what you need. These swabs are an easy way to check for lead on any surface or in liquid. Of course you could always just get rid of the toy in question but, as a father and former kid, I know that's sometimes easier said than done.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hybrid Vehicles

IMG00002 The image you see here has been frozen on the screen of the hotel television system for three weeks. I don't mean that this same show has been on all that time. No, just that image, never changing as if some giant Tivo has been put on indefinite pause. Oh, I can here the voice of Kat Von D in the background but those three vehicles just remain on the screen, taunting me. Every time I change the channel to TLC, those creepy car faces just stare back at me. Damn you Sheraton Rockville! First you interrupted Myth Busters and now you've replaced the cast of L.A. Ink with unusually well endowed (I'm talking about the wheels, weirdos) vehicles.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Led Zeppelin

Be sure to check here for the latest in lead based recalls. Some new Barbie and GeoTrax toys were added to the ever growing list today. WalMart may keep rolling back prices but we'll all be too brain damaged to notice. And you thought this was going to be a classic rock post. I haven't come into contact with that much lead yet!

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