Steve's Blog

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Long Distance Runaround

150px-Circular_Intersection_sign_svg The Roundabout. Who decided these were better than stoplights? Sure they seem simple. "Yield to vehicles in circle" the sign says and then you're sucked into the heart of the beast. How the hell are you supposed to know if any given vehicle is going to turn or come whizzing around the circle like a satellite preparing for a gravity assisted slingshot out of the solar system? Oh and pity on the poor fool who gets trapped in the inside lane. Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament! Think about it, to make a left turn, you have to get in the right lane, go 180 degrees and then turn right. Even your GPS assisted navigation system can't help you now! I can't wait to get back home where we've got intersections with 90 degree angles.  


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