Steve's Blog

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Kudos to Lisa Madigan

Go figure that an Illinois Attorney General would take action when Fisher-Price and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission wouldn't. She led an independent investigation that led to Fisher-Price pulling a toy from store shelves in Illinois due to (what else) lead. As for the rest of the U.S., you're on your own. Lisa Madigan has my vote. Read the whole story at Consumer Reports.


  • appears this was the last sane act of Lisa Madigan. since December, she's been focusing primarily on how to limit refinance options for suffering homeowners. instead of working to resolve the real issues, she's suing Countrywide for originating risky loans. why not sue wall street & britian's top banks as well? they're just as responsble for this mess as anyone else.
    heck, if Lisa keeps restricting loan originations, we may need to sue her for impeding owners' ability to sell. she makes me almost as sad to be a democrat as barak.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:26 PM  

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