Steve's Blog

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Wii-nomics 101

The weakening dollar causes no concern in the microeconomic universe of our household. We don't waste our time trading in the Dollar, Euro, or the Loonie (I just like saying that last one). Nope, our medium of exchange is the VGH. What's a VGH you ask? It's the only thing with any real value around here, the Video Game Hour. One VGH = One hour of Wii time. I can tell you exactly where the poverty line is too: it's 365 VGH per year. Anything less puts you squarely below it. Allowance in dollars is meaningless, those are just green pieces of paper. If I want to see some real action say, for example, the gutters cleaned, all I have to do is offer up an extra VGH for the day. The VGH is no fiat currency, for you see, it is backed by a real object, time. We can't just make more of it so, the supply is limited. Watch out though, because the dreaded HWH (Homework Hour) is always nipping at the heels of the VGH. The last time I checked, the VGH was still trading higher. As summer approaches, the value of the VGH skyrockets as the chorus of "go outside and play" rings through our little economy. In warm weather, the VGH becomes even more precious. Little do my fellow inhabitants know, I'm secretly hoarding VGH's. Now if I could just find the time to spend them.


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