Steve's Blog

Monday, November 03, 2008

The Fat Guy on the Couch

They say it's a small world and I guess it is. Only the most loyal of readers will remember The Fat Guy on the Couch. Well, life has come full circle. This weekend, I met fat guy again. Imagine my disappointment when he wasn'tÂ’nearly as fat as I remembered. When it was pointed out to him that Sue and I had looked at the house he was selling almost 4 years ago, he asked why we had passed on it. Let me pause here to say that rarely does life give you an opportunity like this. It's one of those scenarios you only imagine: "Boy, if I ever see that guy again, I'm really gonna tell him what I think!" So what did I say? "The yard was too small." To which he replied, "I knew it!" Oh well,  he can go forth ignorant to the influence his lack of mobility would have on our future. Here's to you Fat Guy on the Couch, may you spend the rest of your days making prospective homeowners uncomfortable.


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