Steve's Blog

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Sometimes, in life, reality doesn’t live up to expectations. Case in point: convertibles. Oh sure, it seems like it’s going to all driving around talking to girls on your Mr. Microphone and looking cool but sadly, no, it’s nothing like that. Strange people at crosswalks yell unintelligible things at you. The little light that warns you that the top is neither all the way up nor all the way down won’t stop blinking. There’s no room in the trunk for a suitcase and in fact, there’s a giant sticker in the trunk with a picture of a suitcase with that red circle and line going through it. It’s as if the sticker is saying that if you were dumb enough to get a convertible for your rental car, you don’t deserve to travel with a suitcase. Wear what you have on. OK, let’s not give up all hope. So the convertible thing didn’t work out, there about bound to be some things that live up to expectations. Pet ownership? Maybe not. Log rolling? No (and I speak from experience). Speed reading? Evelyn Wood disappoints. Windsurfing? That’s it, windsurfing will definitely be as cool as it looks. As I head back to Avis with the top somewhere between up and down wondering what that guy just yelled at me, I’ll be smiling because I know how cool windsurfing is going to be.


  • Dick said- I had a convertible a long,long time ago.A 1953 Pontiac, it was red with a white top.Bought it used in 1955 and sold it to a friend in 1958 when I was drafted into the army.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:59 AM  

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