Steve's Blog

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Speed on a Lawnmower

These events are based on a true story. I’m hoping to get a name actor to play the part of the Dad.

Fade in to a hot spring day. A picturesque suburban backyard somewhere in middle America. Dad ticks off the pre-mowing checklist as the glistening grass sways gently in the breeze, anticipating what is to come. A young girl watches in wonder. Pump the primer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 times. “What does that do Dad?” “It gets some gas into the engine so it’s easier to start.” “Can I start it?” “It’s pretty hard to start, better let me do it.” The dad braces himself, checks his footing, grabs the pull cord and give a mighty heave. Nothing. “I think you did something wrong Dad.” “Thanks, let’s try that again.” Same ritual and an even mightier pull and as the cord reaches the extent of its length, the permanently attached end becomes permanently unattached and cord and handle fly though the error disappearing over the horizon. Miraculously, the beast gives forth a sputter and then suddenly roars to life. “It’s running!” But then the sickening realization sets in, he’s using the lawn mower that cannot stop fore there is no way to re-start it. If it were to stop, the lawn being left only partially cut, there would be a horrible suffering. The peaceful marital relations that had reigned all weekend would crash and burn causing untold pain and suffering. The sight of a half mown lawn would simply be too much to bear. One man must alone bear the burden of mowing the entire lawn without stopping and keep the mower running no matter what. With sweat glistening on his chiseled form, he bravely pushes on. God speed.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Lazy Creek Vineyards

Lazy Creek Vineyards was my absolute favorite find on our recent California trip. A very small winery in Philo, California, in the beautiful Anderson Valley. As the web site says, "We are open by appointment, or - if the gate is open - just come on in."
Pay attention or you just might miss the rusty LCV sign on the side of the road. Make a right and follow the single lane gravel path over several bridges. I knew it was going to be good just based on the drive in. We were greeted by several dogs, a cat, and some chickens happily pecking about. As we made out way back towards the house, a man walked out and slipped on a pair of work boots. He turned out to be Josh, the owner, wine maker, and tasting host. Josh and his family live on the vineyard. He lead us back to the barn for a tasting where we sampled some amazing Pinot Noir and Guwurtztraminer. We were hooked. A small, friendly winery that produces only about 2,000 cases per year, Lazy Creek Vineyards is a definite must in Anderson Valley.


It started with an innocent question: "Daddy, why does your bedroom have a bathroom in it?" I explained the concept of a master bedroom and the trappings associated with it. "This is ridiculous, I have to walk all the way down the hall to go to the bathroom!" was the response. I see the house next door is for sale and it has a master bedroom, maybe you should look into it. How much is in your piggy bank again?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Congratulations Lori and John on your engagement. I'm glad I was able to be there to share in the event. I'm looking forward to celebrating your 10th Anniversary or maybe even your 1st with you back in Napa Valley.

Thanks for giving us our first Vino Story!

Among the Vines

Our weekend among the vines was everything I could have asked for. We visited so many amazing places and spent time with so many passionate people that I couldn't possibly do them all justice. There were many highlights that I'll write about when I have more time but I wanted to name some of the incredible wineries we visited.

  • Parducci
  • Goldeneye
  • Navarro
  • Greenwood Ridge
  • Lazy Creek Vineyards
  • Husch
  • Handley
  • Claudia Springs


  • Sequoia Grove
  • Frank Family
  • Cuvaison
  • Paoletti
  • Vincent Arroyo
  • Zahtila


  • Clos du Val
  • Joseph Phelps
  • Luna
  • Del Dotto
Friday in Alexander Valley was amazing. Driving through the redwoods to the coast is an experience I'll never forget. More later...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Shoe By Any Other Name

Maybe it's just my imagination, but I think family parties have gotten a lot more fun over time. They used to be relatively low key affairs. Some polite conversation, maybe look at some new photos, eat a nice meal and everyone says their goodnights and heads home. That was in the boring old days. Today we've got people passed out on the couch, children upstairs giving each other haircuts, camp fires, animals escaping from their cages, and family members stealing each others shoes. Keep a close eye on that new coat or it might just get "traded" for a slightly used model at the next holiday. Each holiday has become an event where the anticipation of what might happen fills us with excitement. Will the cook drink too much and abandon the party? Will the guinea pig escape and terrorize the family? Will Emma and Lauren give each other those mohawks they've been wanting? Memorial day is coming soon and I can't wait!

More Bunnies

Seems people can't get enough of the cute little guys so, here's a link to The 30-Second Bunnies Theatre Library.

As an added productivity bonus, check out Strong Bad explaining technology.

Friday, May 12, 2006

6 Days

Only six days and I'll be back in the happiest place on Earth, Napa Valley! This year we're attending the Joseph Phelps release party and heading up north to Anderson Valley. Throw in a lunch at Taylor's Refresher and you've got the recipe for a perfect vacation. The only place where I not only forget about the time and the agenda, I don't even care. Spending some time with Lori and John will be great. You really don't get to know people until you spend time with them completely out of their normal context. I'm also looking forward to spending a little quality time with Sue (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain (in 30 seconds with bunnies). I just don't see what all the fuss was about.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Who new a Guinea Pig could do tricks? Well, trick actually. Peanut has mastered the art of begging for food. He stands up on his hind legs and gives you his best sad face. Although, his sad face is pretty much the same as his happy face so, who knows. Emma and Sue seem to enjoy having him around and I usually don't have to deal with the poo so, I've got no complaints. At least when he escapes, he's too big to fit in any really tight places so he's not too hard to apprehend.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


A little girl with a broken heart and a parent powerless to help. Every hardship is another step down the path toward maturity trodden by so many before. The parents dilemma is how to make sure the anxious child doesn't race down the path to quickly yet doesn't dawdle in one spot for too long. Two opposing forces forever in conflict. It amazing and depressing all at the same time. I'm sorry Emma and we'll miss you Pipsqueak.


What is the world coming to when an innocent can of sardines isn't even safe in your hotel room? That's right, I've been victimized. A sardinenapping has taken place. One can of Trader Joe's Sardines in Olive Oil was stolen from my hotel room while I was away at work. You may be wondering why I had a can of sardines in my hotel room to begin with. Well, I happen to like them and don't think you're going to turn this around on me! Each and every one of you is a suspect and I won't rest until every last tasty little fish is recovered.

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