Imagine a future in which a company invents a chemical that kills all plant life indiscriminately. That same company then goes on to invent genetically modified seeds that grow into plants which are immune to the chemical. They patent both the chemical and the seeds. One day something horrible happens, the plants grown from these special seeds spread onto another farmers land and, when the company discovers this, they sue the farmer for patent infringement, and win.
Sounds like a good cautionary tale about a dystopian future where corporations run the world. You'll grow their seeds or you won't grow anything at all. The thing is, this has already happened. The chemical is called "Round-Up", the seeds are called "Round-Up Ready", and the company is Monsanto. The farmer, unfortunately, is real as well. His story is here. The seeds were blown into his field by a truck driving down the road past his farm. Monsanto found out and sued him. His case went all the way to the Canadian Supreme Court and, he lost.
Even if you hate documentaries, see The Future of Food. You're relationship with food is probably the second most intimate one in your life (for some of you, maybe even the first but, no judgement here). Yet, for some reason, people will spend more time researching a new washing machine or a pair of shoes than the thing that sustains them. I promise, it won't turn you into an organic loving, vegan food militant. It will help you understand how food production has changed over the last century and why, even with all the advances, there are still hungry people in the world.